Broto 2020 Conference: Time Sensitive
Broto: Art-Climate-Science is an annual conference and online community of collaborating artists and scientists tackling aspects of climate change. The intent, through the Broto Collaboration Blueprint, is innovation through shared co-creation of work — whether it’s art or science or something in between.
On 16-17 May, it will be organised the 3rd edition of Broto Conference.
All times are Eastern US timezones. The conference will be held online.
May 16: Day 1 Conference
1 PM ET: Deep Time & Climate. Nicholas Paul Brysiewicz, from The Long Now, artist-philosopher Jonathon Keats and ASU oceanographer Hilairy Hartnett outline the opportunities of very long time horizons and their implications for managing climate change.
2:30 PM ET: Time as a Muse. Visual artist Elena Soterakis, sculptor Jonathan Latiano and photographer Daniel Ranalli explore Deep Time and Climate as inspirations for art and as a way to inform science. In conversation
with Julia Buntaine Hoel, founder of SciArt Initiative.
4 PM ET: Timefulness. Geologist Marcia Bjornerud, author of Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World, reveals how knowing the rhythms of Earth’s deep past and conceiving of geologic time can give us the perspective we need for a more sustainable future.
6 PM ET: COVID's Eco-lesson in Behavior Change. Sustainability expert Peter ter Weeme, behavior scientist Amy Bucher and artist Danielle Siembieda, managing director of Leonardo, examine how behavior change in the COVID crisis can influence and speed the necessary societal behaviors that can address the climate crisis.
May 17: Day 2 Conference
2 PM ET: Cathedral Thinking. Author Rick Antonson, a Cathedral Thinker, talks about legacy and starting projects so big that we won't be alive to see them finished -- and, its implications for addressing the climate crisis.
4 PM ET: Selling Longtermism. In a world fixated on near-term outcomes, how does art and science in collaboration make very long term planning relevant in today's decision-making. Behavior scientist Amy Bucher, art-sci polymath Julia Buntaine Hoel and sustainability expert Peter ter Weeme. In conversation
with Etienne White, from Sustainable Brands.
6 PM ET: Broto 2020 Take Aways. Broto advisors Julia Buntaine Hoel, Hilairy Hartnett and Peter ter Weeme reflect on the weekend's content and the highlights, lessons and imperatives that arose.