Camille Baker
academic / artist
Account Type
academic / artist
Dr. Camille Baker is an interdisciplinary artist, curator and researcher with a background in digital and electronic art and design, working across creative digital disciplines. Baker’s digital media practices and experience includes making, teaching, and curating, with a background in wearable technology and e-textiles, mobile media art and performance,VR/AR/Mixed Reality, the body and technology in performance, digital art curating, video art, new media art, alternative music, interactive installation, and emerging technologies research and education. Dr Baker’s first co-edited book on creative process for artist-technologists with Dr Kate Sicchio, Intersecting Art and Technology in Practice: Techne, Technique, Technology was released in December 2016 with Routledge, Taylor & Francis. She also has her first monograph released August 16, 2018, New Directions in Mobile Media and Performance, with Routledge, Taylor & Francis. This book features theory and practice on mobile devices, Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality and wearable technology in various forms of artistic performance, especially since the release of the first iPhone. Recently (April 2019), Baker became the PI for UCA on the EU DG-CNCT funded STARTS Ecosystem project that supports all the funded innovations in the STARTS umbrella since 2015. In 2016, she was the initiator and primary consortium partners' to apply for and win EU funding for the WEAR Sustain project, which runs January 2017-December 2018 and is focussed on transforming the smart/e-textiles industry to become more ethical and sustainable, through the collaborative innovation projects of artists and technologists. She also runs an regular meetup group with artists and designers making smart/e-textile works called Dr Baker is a Reader of Interface and Interaction in the School of Communication Design at the University for the Arts, Surrey, UK, teaching in the new Indie Games focussed, MA Games. She has presented artwork and media research at academic, media and art conferences, festivals and events around the world since 2001.